A few weeks ago, I vowed to truly enjoy this holiday season. In previous years, the holidays seem to pass in a blur, filled with frenzy and haste. Then comes January and I find myself wondering what happened...

Now we're well into December and things are once again whizzing past me, leaving me twirling in their wake. This morning, however, I had a chance to take a small holiday appreciation break by opening a box filled with goodies sent to me by the talented
Julia da Rocha from

We were swap partners in a "Lovely Package Exchange" organized by
Danni over at
Oh, Hello Friend and I had a blast! Going through my swap partner's info and website gave me a lots of ideas on how to package my gifts to her and based on what I saw in today's box, I think Julia took the same strategy since it was filled to the brim with lovely items that were beautifully packaged!

Not only was the packaging stunning, all of Julia's gift choices were spot on in terms of my tastes! I can't wait to frame up her original drawing as well as the b&w photos spelling out my name – genius!

This swap was a great exercise and targeted listening and attention to detail and I loved it!!! A big thanks to Julia and Danni!

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