I absolutely love what I do for a living. I suppose I'm lucky that way. I feel even luckier when I can do what I love and know that I make a difference in the world, even if it's just a small difference.

That's why I'm always thrilled when it's time to design the next issue of the
Oregon Humane Society magazine (read more
here). Officially a newsletter, this publication is distributed to roughly 27,000 readers and is filled with interesting news and heartbreaking stories that often have a happy ending thanks to OHS.

A sample of the fall issue I designed recently hit my mailbox and I was reminded again of all the great work OHS does around the state. The rescue that hits closest to home is, of course, the one where OHS drove all the way out to Harney County to pick up our little Tucker (a golden retriever mix) along with 125+ other dogs that had been grossly neglected by the owner.

I'm currently working on new illustrations for this year's holiday gift (shh... can't say any more!) and have decided that I will donate a portion of the sale of one particular illustration to the Oregon Humane Society:

Yes, this little cutie pie will do his part to give back to the Oregon Humane Society: $5 of every 8x10 and $7 of every 11x14 matted print will be donated to OHS (who, btw, doesn't receive any federal or state dollars but is supported 100% through private donations).

Want to help, too? You can buy the print
here or just email me (alex [at] defteling [dot] com).